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St Mary's Primary School, Derrymore, Craigavon

Safer Internet Day assembly

11th Feb 2025

Due to the half term break, we celebrated Safer Internet Day on Thursday 6th February.

As part of our day, P4 presented an excellent assembly about the SMART rules for using online platforms. They role played situations and explained which SMART rules to follow when problems happened. They reminded us that when we are online we should be SMART;

  • Keep personal information SECRET
  • Never MEET someone we only chat with online 
  • Never ACCEPT files, emails or prize alerts from unknown people or sites
  • Remember that not everything or everybody in the online world is RELIABLE. We should always check with our trusted adults. 
  • TELL a trusted adult if we see or receive anything that makes us uncomfortable, worried or upset.

Well done to all of our class award winners for the week. Your kindness, hard work and fantastic efforts always make us so proud of you. 
Congratulations to everyone who shared their awards and achievements from outside school with us also. You have such amazing talents and skills. Keep up all your great work. 

Happy birthday to all our birthday girls and boys! They will be 54 altogether!! Enjoy your special celebrations and have a lovely midterm break🥳