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St Mary's Primary School, Derrymore, Craigavon

Monday assembly

4th Mar 2025

Thank you to Primary 5 for their excellent assembly on Monday.
P5 told us all about the season of Lent and how important it is to follow God’s teaching in our lives and show love in the world around us. They explained how during Lent, we pray, give up things and help others who are not as lucky as we are. 
A big well done to our award winners from the class groups this week. We are very proud of you, your positive attitudes, hard work, kindness and helpfulness.

There was a VERY big group of award winners from activities outside school, all keen to share their success with us!
 Congratulations to our ballerinas, Irish dancers, footballers, actors, darts players and swimmers. It is fantastic to hear about your interests. Keep up all your brilliant efforts. 
Happy birthday to our 21 year olds! Enjoy your special celebrations folks!🥳