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St Mary's Primary School, Derrymore, Craigavon

News - Primary 2

20th Sep 2024
We have been revising numbers 1-12 and learning all about adding on 1 by using objects...
20th Sep 2024
We have had lots of fun learning through play. We have been acting out the roles...
13th Sep 2024
We really enjoyed our first PE session with Anto this year!
9th Sep 2024
In P2, we have created our own self portraits. We looked closely at our faces in...
9th Sep 2024
In Primary 2, we have been enjoying some indoor and outdoor play. 
9th Sep 2024
We have started our World Around Us topic- People Who Help Us. We have been discussing...
9th Sep 2024
We have been counting, ordering and matching numbers this week. 
2nd Sep 2024
We have started our maths learning today. We practiced counting forwards and backwards...
2nd Sep 2024
We all enjoyed a great first day back. We loved exploring our new classroom. 

2023/2024 School Year

27th Jun 2024
To mark her retirement, our whole school put on a concert for Mrs McAtarsney. We...