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St Mary's Primary School, Derrymore, Craigavon


9th Sep 2024
After a busy first week, P3 used their first activity time to play together, moving...
9th Sep 2024
A big welcome back to school to everyone! Today was the first whole school assembly...
9th Sep 2024
In P2, we have created our own self portraits. We looked closely at our faces in...
9th Sep 2024
In Primary 2, we have been enjoying some indoor and outdoor play. 
9th Sep 2024
We have started our World Around Us topic- People Who Help Us. We have been discussing...
9th Sep 2024
We have been counting, ordering and matching numbers this week. 
8th Sep 2024
This week the Primary Four class were doing a lot of group work. We learned about...
8th Sep 2024
The Primary Fours visiting the Derrymore Orchard to pick their own healthy break.
8th Sep 2024
On Friday, the Primary Four class were out in the sun carrying out an experiment...
3rd Sep 2024
Today we got a chance to harvest some apples from our apple trees. They went down...